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Friday, 29 December 2017

مقابلة مع راديو السويد حول تويتر


Egyptisk aktivist stängs av från sociala medier

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

They want to shut me down on Facebook too

So the regime continues reporting my social media accounts
Trying to shut down my Facebook too after shutting down my Twitter
This account is also 10 years old
with almost 300 000 followers
it has an archive of my personal life as well as news coverage, the revolution, human rights violations and abuses, all my work here is likely to be lost too like what happened in Twitter.

عاوزين يقفلولي فيسبوك كمان!
صحيت عالمسدجات دي
بيقولولي رفعت صورة بتخالف قواعدنا وشيلناها !
ومش بيقولولي انهو صورة !!!
الريبورتات دي موضوع مش ها يخلص غير لما يخفوا كل شغلي من عالانترنت!



Thursday, 21 December 2017

Suspended or Locked temporarily?

Hey Twitter
So am I suspended? or just locked and limited for an allotted time? because I'm a bit confused now! and how long exactly is that allotted time? because it has been over a week now!




How Twitter really deal with threats of violence

And this is how Twitter reacts when you report a threat of violence: these are two of the most recent, not to mention the huge amount of threats I got before
وها هي طريقة تويتر في التعامل مع ابلاغك عن تهديدات بالعنف تستهدفك شخصيا: دول احدث بلاغين بصرف النظر عن مئات التهديدات السابقة






Twitter seems ok with death to Jews slogan

All those tweets saying death to the Jews and Twitter suspends me
تويتر تترك من يقولون الموت لليهود وتوقف حسابي انا










Wednesday, 20 December 2017

على مونت كارلو


عهد التميمي في قبضة إسرائيل ووائل عباس في قبضة تويتر

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Regime supporters blackmailing people who ask questions

Regime supporters blackmailing BBC's Quentin Sommerville, and claiming I belong to the MB and support terrorism 



another example


one more



El Nacional


Twitter suspende sin motivo cuentas independentistas en una campaña contra delitos de odio y bots

On Africa News


Egypte : Twitter sous le feu des critiques pour avoir suspendu le compte d'un célèbre blogueur

In Columbia Journalism


Twitter bans Nazi groups, but also a journalist

In ZS.de


Egypt Independent


Twitter faces backlash after suspending prominent Egyptian journalist Wael Abbas



ഈജിപ്ഷ്യന്‍ മാധ്യമ പ്രവര്‍ത്തകന്റെ അക്കൗണ്ട് മരവിപ്പിച്ച ട്വിറ്റര്‍ നടപടി വിവാദമാകുന്നു

Monday, 18 December 2017

على مصر العربية


جارديان: بسبب وائل عباس.. تويتر في مرمى النار

على موقع الحرة


In Russia Today


Twitter slammed for banning Egyptian journalist’s account

In The Guardian


Twitter under fire after suspending Egyptian journalist Wael Abbas


Sunday, 17 December 2017

على المدن


ما علاقة علاء مبارك بحظر وائل عباس في "تويتر"؟

Middle East Eye


Twitter criticised after suspending account of Egyptian journalist Wael Abbas

Saturday, 16 December 2017

From: 6april.org

From: 6april.org

Wael Abbas is an Egyptian blogger who has been a pioneer in utilizing blogs for citizen journalism since 2004, won international awards for that, he has been covering activism news in Egypt on twitter since 2007, one of the very first subscribers to the service, his account covered revolutions in Egypt, Tunisia, Iran and many other places, he has been active against torture, he was the first to expose Egyptian police brutality and was the first to take it to court, he has always been against hate speech, contrary he was always target for bullies and death threats, he had over 350 thousand followers including International figures and UN organizations, his archive is very important for researchers whether in history or politics or human rights, he documented and posted thousands of photos, videos and live streams of political activism in Egypt not only during the revolution but for the last ten years.

This transformation in Twitter’s policies would make us worry about the future policies that twitter may apply, especially after the famous scandal and how Russian authorities use Twitter in promoting false propaganda about the American elections

Wael’s twitter account helped save lives, reported injuries, warned against raids, campaigned for detainees, raised funds, offered tactical help not only to Egyptians but to activists all over the world.

his account has been followed by Amnesty International, UNICEF, UN Human Rights, HRW, FIDH, CPJ, all of whom will never tolerate hate speech.


Twitter deleting my account
which documented life in Egypt for 10 years
politics, activism, atrocities, corruption and revolution
is exactly like Hitler burning books
a treasure for researchers has been lost
this is what some of those researchers already told me
I'm not trying to give myself credit I don't deserve
over 250.000 tweets
dozens of thousands of pictures, videos and live streams from the middle of every crisis in Egypt 
with date stamp on them
reporting on people who got tortured, killed or missing
live coverage of events as they happened in the street
calls for help or action, calls for doctors or supplies or lawyers
every tweet I tweeted when getting arrested or in custody or when stopped at the airport
All those moments will be lost, like tears in rain.
Twitter = fascists

BBC is now offensive to Facebook


Facebook is now removing links from the BBC News
this happened to a friend of mine Hany Ragy
so BBC is now offensive too?
can you believe it?

الرأي الأول

دايما يقولك الراي والراي الاخر
لكن لما انت تطلع وتقول الراي الاخر يطلعلك بتوع الراي الاول يقرفوك.. 
يا جماعة ماهو انتم اللي انا باقول راي مخالف ليكم
ليه محسسني انكم بتقولوا حاجة جديدة خربيت الغبا

جبهة الحركة الفحلقية

عايز ابقى اول حد يقولكم كس ام جبهة الحركة المدنية الديمقراطية :)
كس ام أي حاجة فيها جورج إسحاق وكمال أبو عيطة وحمدين صباحي !
ده انتم ناس بنت وسخة مش بتتكسف والله !
جورج اسحاق اللي في مجلس حقوق الانسان اقوله احكام الاعدام يقولي ده موضوع اتقفل !
وابو عيطة كلب الاخوان وكلب السيسي
وحمدين فوطة
كس أم عملية ريسايكلينج الخرا !
وكس أم كل إبن كس أم مش موافق على كلامي ده 

شم على ضهر ايدك

فيسبوك بعتولي دي



A post you made contains content that violates our Terms of Use. This message serves as a warning. Additional violations will result in the termination of your account. Please read our Terms carefully and refrain from posting abusive material in the future. Thanks in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

The Facebook Team


وبرضه ما قالوش انهو بوست اللي مش عاجبهم ده
ومفروض انا اشم على ضهر ايدي !
ما تشوفولنا حد كبير نكلمه يا ولاد الوسخة !

Anybody remember Jaiku ?

Anybody remember Jaiku ?
we could have made Jaiku as huge as Twitter
Twitter is now big because of of people like me
one of the very first people to use it as a platform for activism
who made it famous and successful
because it provided us with freedom of speech
I remember meeting officials from Twitter back in 2009
it was a casual meeting in Bangalore India
and how they complained they were poor
and that my tweets and the large number of followers cost them money
then I met other officials in Aspen Institute in Colorado
and asked them to provide us with the ability to see our archives
it was me and Sami Ben Gharbia who asked for this option that helped millions of users worldwide
but now times are changing
the people we knew in Twitter are now gone or replaced
people who were activists like us
keen on freedom of expression
Twitter now is a titan, a huge business that can go to bed with dictators and dictatorships like Egypt and UAE
all they believe in now is money! more money!
so who cares about revolutions, freedoms and human rights


Facebook sends you vague E-mails saying you posted something offensive without telling you what it is, thus you won't be able to know if they are mistaken or not because of some fucken algorithm they have that does crazy things automatically, or because one of their staff can't read Arabic and can't tell that mass reporting is some kind of governmental bullying, or because they are just in bed with your dictator or those who fund him, a.k.a U.A.E.



Soon the Internet will lose it's neutrality, and activists will have no place and no say here. Some people are pissed at the level of democracy that has been achieved on the Internet, resulting in revolutions and giving voice to the oppressed, the wealthy and the conservatives don't wanna hear the poor and the different, soon you will be required to pay to see content posted by your friends for free.