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Monday, 13 April 2009

تفاصيل التحقيق في الإعتداء من خدمة تويتر

تفاصيل التحقيق في الإعتداء من خدمة تويتر

لعب تويتر دورا هاما في تغطية تفاصيل القبض علي والتحقيق في واقعة الإعتداء علي وعلى والدتي من قبل ضابط شرطة وأخيه في منزلنا وأثار الكثير من الإهتمام وردود الأفعال بل والتضامن الدولي حتى أن بي بي سي نشرت موضوعا بهذا الصدد تجدون وصلة له في آخر التدوينة
وجدير بالذكر أن عدد المتابعين لتويتراتي قفز في يوم واحد بمعدل ثلاثمائة متابع جديد ومازال العدد يزيد كل دقيقة
وإليكم بوستات تويتر قبل وأثناء وبعد التحقيق معي بداية من وقوع الإعتداء

يا جماعة تم الإعتداء علي وعلى والدتي الآن في منزلنا من قبل جار رائد شرطة وأخيه وكسرت إحدى أسناني واصبت بإصابة في الرأس -فساد الشرطة وصل بيتي -
إتصلت بشرطة النجدة ولم يصل أحد حتى الآن واللي بياخد البلاغ بيتأمر عليا في التليفون كأني باشتغل عنده
أنا في البيت وأمي بخير لكن عندي ألم رهيب في السنة المكسورة وصداع في رأسي بسبب الورم عملت محضر في قسم الشرطة وحاولوا جعلي أتصالح ورفضت وطلبت تحويلي للكشف الطبي إصاباتي هي سن أمامية مكسورة وكدمات وسجحات وخرابيش في الرأس والرقبة المستشفى رفض إطلاعي على التقارير وأعطاني فقط رقم التقرير ولم يقم بعمل تقرير أسنان بحجة أن الدكتور غير موجود وجهاز الأشعة عطلان إسم الضابط الذي إعتدى علي هو أشرف ماهر عجلان وأخيه أحمد ماهر عجلان وهو ربما يكون نقيب لا أعرف بالضبط وعملوا محضر ضدي هما كمان شرطة النجدة جاءت بعد حوالي ساعتين بعد أن إتصلت بهم للمرة الثانية وإصطحبوني أنا ووالدتي لقسم الشرطة لعمل محضر تفاصيل الإعتداء على وائل عباس ووالدته بالصور على الوعي المصري misrdigital.com تم إستدعائي للتحقيق في واقعة الإعتداء علي أمام النيابة غدا الساعة التاسعة صباحا fyi i'm currently under arrest, if u did not hear from me today then i was not released the officer denies his presence during the assault and they are accusing me of assault too awyer khaled ali from hmlc is with me suspicion that the whole thing was staged to get me, not sure yet they r demanding a compensation of 10000 pounds their lawyer presented a copy of the story published in aldostoor i'm about to crack a laugh at their pathetic story my poor mom is totally new to the whole fabrication thing they now demand eyewitnesses and waiting for them, this is gonna be a long day one of our witnesses chickened out preparing to be left with no eyewitnesses at all they r exerting massive pressure on me and my mom 2 reconcile with the assailants embedded threats of using false witnesses embedded threats that i might go to jail if i refused reconciliation the medium is a high ranking officer talking religion now i have 2 witnesses on my side they brought 2 witnesses who were never there 1 i dont know at all questioning witnesses now, waiting ... waiting for a decision bloggers malek, mak and gaber are here with me in galaa court house lawyer and activist noov senary joined me too still waiting for a decision ... we are almost the only people here now all the lawyers were summoned now the decision is finally made, the officer and his brother to be released on bail, while i will be released from my home police station i'm now in police custody being transferred to my district's police station hopefully to be released from there fellow bloggers, activists and lawyers are following us in their cars to the police station i hope this process works smoothly without the usual complications so tired and hungry and thirsty but no appetite, yet glad that i did not yeild to pressure i'm free now and safe for the moment I wanna thank all my followers and extend a very warm welcome to the new 300 followers who added me yesterday and those who spread the word i received solidarity messages from as far east as China and as far west as Argentina thanks to all those who re-twittered BBC published a story about you guys but unfortunately it's in Arabic http://tinyurl.com/cfnv26 as for me i continued working on the medical statements, but the corrupt government hospital won't admit the gravity of the loss of my tooth if the medical statement stated that the loss of my tooth is permanent the assailants will go straight to jail, but corruption my friends:( my lawyers told me that the assailants being released on bail means that their position is weak and they may stand trial

3arabawy@waelabbas had one of his teeth broken.injured in the head.He called police for help.Of course no one has arrived up til now
saedabuhmudIcon_lock@waelabbas Be safe Wael, my support to you melissagira@waelabbas, Egyptian blogger against police brutality, assaulted today by officer in his own home: http://bit.ly/ssNOd joshkawessels@waelabbas hope you and your mom are better now! found a website to (somehow ;) translate your Arabic tweets http://translation.babylon.com calentita@waelabbas has been arrested ifikra@waelabbas fyi i'm currently under arrest, if u did not hear from me today then i was not released ICFJ@waelabbas supporting u from Dc. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help ismaelan@waelabbas Salam!Greetings from the Chinese Muslims, although we have in different countries, but similar to the police for us.
hernannadal@waelabbas Argentina is flowwing your twwets. Good Luck there. sexgenderbody@waelabbas coming from this ex-Green Beret, what YOU do - takes guts. real guts.
anano@waelabbas we all been worried, supporting and been very proud of you!
تفاصيل أكثر

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