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Wednesday, 06 December 2006

آخر تطورات موضوع ضباط التعذيب

آخر تطورات موضوع ضباط التعذيب

من جريدة الفجر
إضغط للتكبير
كيف تسربت فيديوهات التعذيب
أثيرت كثير من التساؤلات حول كيفية تسرب تلك الفيديوهات البشعة للتعذيب في أقسام الشرطة لدرجة أن كثير من مهاويس نظرية المؤامرة قالوا أن هذه مؤامرة لتخويف الشعب المصري من بطش الشرطة كما حدث مع صور سجن ابو غريب في العراق ونحن نقدم لكم تفسير قد يصلح لهذا الأمر وهو من الصفحة الأولى لجريدة الفجر أيضا
فإقرأوا معنا هذا الخبر

الوعي المصري مرشحة في مسابقة موقع ضد الفساد

إضغط هنا للتكبير
ويمكنكم التصويت للوعي المصري على موقع حركة شايفنكم

لما تكون بيقتلوك إتصل بنمرة دليفري كنتاكي أفيد
آه والله

رجاء تحميل الملف الصوتي من الوصلة التالية
وهو لمكالمة تليفونية من شخص يريد التبليغ عن خناقة في الشارع
شرطة النجدة مش بترد على الناس
وقال ايه
بتشغلهم مزيكا !!!
دقيقتين واربعتاشر ثانية محدش بيرد غير أنسر ماشين ومزيكا !!!
يعني لو واحد بيتقتل واتصل احسنله يطلب دليفري كنتاكي
على الاقل يتغذى بسندوتشين قبل ما يروح الاخرة
دقيقتين واربعتاشر ثانية
يعني يكون القتيل اندبح واتشفى واتعلب كمان في كراتين
ولو واحد بيغتصبوها على ما الشرطة ترد عليها تكون حامل في الشهر التالت
نزلوا الملف
واسمعوا حرقة الدم
الملف من نوع ايه ام ار الخاص بالتليفونات المحموله
ويمكن تشغيله ببرنامج ريل بلاير
وائل عباس

فيديو رهيب
دول العساكر اللي بيضربونا ودول ظباطهم اللي مشغلينهم بيفتخروا بيهم

حرب 1973 اللي مصر حاربت فيها إسرائيل كانت بين مين ومين ؟؟؟
طب حرب 1973 بين مصر وإسرائيل كانت سنة كام ؟؟؟
مبروك يابني
إنت فعلا عسكري امن مركزي !!!
شاهد الفيديو لتعرف الأجوبة
http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=t_3l95tYfD4


والرد ده وصلني من شخص يقول أنه ضابط سابق بالأمن المركزي
وذلك را على فيديو المجند الذي أرسلته
وأنا هنا أنشر الرد كاملا بدون ادنى تعليق مني

انا معجب بجريدتك الاكترونية ومع انك بتنقل مشاهد ومقاطع من أفلام حقيقية أو تمثيالية على العموم انا ضابط شطة سابق واعمل حاليا فى احد الشركات العالمية والخاصة بتركيبات المنشات البترولية البحرية وللعلم انا لااعمل فى الامن ولكن مختص فى الصحة والسلامة المهنية وحماية البيئة و أو ان أوضح بعض الحقائق الهامة عن الامن المركزى والذى يشرفى اننى عملت فية لمدة 15 سنة فى الوحدات الخاصة وهى غير العمليات الخاصة (الوحدات التى تتلقوا عليها مجموعات الكراتية ) اولا يجب ان نوضح حقيقة هامة ان مجندى الشرطة عموما هم ما يتبقى من فرز القاوات المسلحة وطبعا معلوم لك (اذا انت أتجندت فى الجيش ) ان جميع المجندين تابعين للقوات المسلحة حتى الشرطة وتخرج جميع شهادات أداء الخدمة العسكرية من وزارة الدفاع وليست الداخلية ثانيا / ان هؤلاء الجنود هم شباب مصر الذى تنادى لهم بالحرية والتمدين وهم من صعيد وبحرى وقرى مصر , وهذا يدل على أمية الشباب والمجتمع وليست خطيئة الامن المركزى , أن الامن المكزى لايربى المكجندين فى مدارس او أخذهم وهم رضع ويعلمهم . ثالثا ان ول من يقفوم بفرز المجندين للانتقاء افضل المجندين هو الا من المركزى ويتم الاختيار فردا فرد وليس بالجملة فيقوم الضباط بتحدث مع كل مجند للتعرف هلى لدية مشكله صحية او مصاب بأمراض او ضعف جسمانى ثم بعد ذلك يتم وضعة فى برنامج تثقيفى لتعريف بمجرياتة الامور والعلاقة بين المجندين والضباط فى الامن المركزى وثيقة فالضابط يجلس مع المجندين أكثر من جلوسة فى منزلة . رابعا هل تتخيل ان هذا المجند الامى الذى لم يرى الشارع الامسفات فى حياتة الا عند التجنيد يتم تعليمة هنا أعنى تعليمة وليس تحفيظة جميع المعلومات الخاصة بنظم العمليات وضرب النار ونظرية ضرب النار والحركات المكانيكية للسلاح المستخدم لدية وكيفية فض المظاهرات وضبط النفس . خامسا أو ان ترى الحقيقة بعين اخرى اضع نفسك فى مكان المجند الذى يقوم من الساعة الخامسة صباحا لكى يعمل النظافة الدورية للعنبر المقيم بة ويرتدة ملابسة ويفطر ويستلم السلاح (وللعلم انة يتم التفتيش عليهم فى حسن المظهر ونظافة الملابس والاحزية ....وهذا طبعا لم يتعود علية فى منزلة ) ثم يتم ركوب السيارات بطريقة معينة يفهما جيدا ثم التوجة الى موقع الخدمة وليكن مظاهرات فى مكان ثم يقف لمدة عدد ساعات فى الشمس او البرد ويتم تبديلة القوات طبقا لجدول يتم تحيدة مسبقا ويقوم السادة المتظاهرين المثقفين بشتم وسب وضرب القوات دون ان تقومة القوات بالتعمل ... هل يمكن انن تتخيل كمية الضغط النفسى الذى يقع المجند والضباط طول هذة الفترة ويتم بعد ذلك التصدى للمظاهرة بوقف ذحف المتظاهرين دون التعامل وللحديث بقية

يوميات شاب إتاخد تحري

على مدونة أيوب المصري
إضغط هنا
شرطة كليب - مزيد من الفيديوهات

عنف الأمن في دمياط أثناء إنتخابات 2005
طلبة كلية الشرطة نازلين تدريب في أحد الأقسام - كورس قلة الأدب الشهير - آخر كورس قبل التخرج
حتى واحد فيهم لسه خام مش بيعرف يضرب بالقفا كويس
فبيجيله واحد متودك يعلمه القفا يبقى إزاي

إضحك علشان الصورة تطلع حلوة في قسم المنتزه

الشرطة تضرب بائع متجول وتخبط رأسه في كابينة تليفون عدة مرات

طلبة كلية الشرطة بيولعوا في واحد زميلهم وهو نايم - على سبيل الهزار والضحك يعني !!!

طلبة كلية الشرطة بيخربوا عربية الضابط اللي كفرهم على حد قولهم

وائل عباس على قناة النيل الثقافية

في برنامج  شارع الكلام
تقديم جمال الشاعر
تناولت الحلقة المدونات والمظاهرات والتحرش الجنسي وحركة الشارع لنا وإتحاد ملاك الشوارع وكان ضيف الحلقة أيضا الأستاذ أيمن عقيل مدير مركز ماعت للراسات الحقوقية والدستورية
إذا لم يظهر الفيديو إضغط الوصلة الخارجية التالية
الحكومة تحارب أماكن تجمع النشطاء

يبدو أن تجمع النشطاء السياسيين والمثقفين في منطقة مقاهي البورصة لا يروق لبعض الجهات
فقبل أي مظاهرة معلنة تقوم الشرطة بشن حملة أمنية على المقاهي ومصادرة بعض الكراسي والشيش وتطفيش الزبائن ظنا منهم بان النشطاء يجتمعون على تلك المقاهي للاعداد للمظاهرة وان فركشة القعدة ها تفركش المظاهرة تاني يوم !!!
واليوم ظهرت النية المبيتة في جريدة الجمهورية على شكل تقرير يحتل نصف الصفحة الرابعة يزعم بان اغلاق شوارع منطقة البورصة وجعلها مخصصة للمشاه سبب اختناقات مرورية في وسط المدينة !!! وجعلها مرتعا للمخالفات من اول الشيشة حتى قعدات العشاق والانشطة المخالفة للاداب !!! وانه سيعاد النظر فيها !!!
وائل عباس

بقى دين اليسر بيقول كده بالذمة
والله حرام عليكم يا من شوهتم الدين

مع كل الإحترام للجميع
والكل كليلة على عيني وراسي
من أول الإخوان والسلفيين والتبليغ والدعوة والطرق الصوفية وفاروق حسني وكمال الشاذلي وماما سوزان وشيخ الازهر والمفتي ونبوية موسى وقاسم امين لحد ابن تيمية وابن حنبل وابن حجر وماركس ولينين ونيتشه وداروين وفيرجينيا وولف وايناس الدغيدي ويسرا والهام شاهين وزينب الغزالي وأمي وإخواتي المحجبات المش منقبات والحمد لله
بقى الاسلام دين اليسر يقول كده يا عالم وراضي ذمتكم ؟؟؟
اتفرجوا على الفيديو ولاحظوا الراجل اللي قاعد جنبهم !!!
والله العظيم بدون مبالغة عيني رغرغت على حال المسلمين
وائل عباس
وحدة التحرش الجنسي العربية
ولو إن أنا مش من الناس المقتنعة بموضوع القومية العربية والوحدة العربية والكلام ده
والعرب قعدوا يزايدوا علينا علشان في مصر تحرش جنسي وشتموا في مصر واهلها قال يعني هما كاملين المعاني ومعندهمش الحاجات الوحشة دي
لكن يبدو أن هناك وحدة عربية خصوصا في موضوع التحرش الجنسي
والدليل هو الفيديوهات التالية
سعوديون يتحرشون بفتيات مصريات !!!

تحرش جنسي في السعودية

ومتحرش سعودي الضحية مسكته ورنته علقة محترمة

وتحرش جنسي في قطر

لكن إدارة يوتيوب حذفت الفيديو لأنها إرتأت أنه غير مناسب
وفي النهاية وإن كان ليس تحرش جنسي ولكنه ما زال تحرش
شباب خليجي يضربون هندية بالشبشب من شباك السيارة

وحدة حتى في إهانة الشرطة للناس
وليس هذا فقط ولكن يبدو أن هناك وحدة في تعامل الشرطة
فهذا فيديو لشرطي كويتي يضرب عامل هندي وإن كنت أشك أن المواطن الكويتي يتلقى نفس المعاملة
يعني الشرطة الكويتية بتضرب الأجنبي بس


تقرير نيويورك تايمز عن احداث التحرش

Silence and Fury in Cairo After Sexual Attacks on Women
إضغط هنا
وصورة من وائل عباس
إضغط هنا
وتقرير مكتب الأمم المتحدة للتنسيق في شئون حقوق الإنسان
حول أحداث التحرش
وتشير إلى الحملة التي شنتها روزاليوسف على الوعي المصري

وتقرير من جريدة تاجز شبيجل اليومية الألمانية

شهادتي حول احداث التحرش بوسط القاهرة
في ندوة بالجامعة الأمريكية

نظمها معهد سينثيا نيلسون لدراسات المرأة

IGWS Forum on Sexual Harassment
الإثنين 4 ديسمبر

It was supposed to be the usual feast celebration. Every year the ministry of interior bores us with the usual statement before the feast, whether on television or in the press: "the police will be highly alert in order to enable the Egyptians to enjoy the feast".

I usually don't go out during the feast days, but that very first day of Eid I happened to be on duty. I finished work and headed to down town to chill out with some friends. We were sitting in an outdoor café when a friend came to alert us that hell was breaking loose in the vicinity of Cinema Metro and Cinema Miami.

He started telling us about women being sexually harassed by huge numbers of men. His sentences comprised descriptions like: torn clothes, shattered ticket windows and a surprising absence of the police.

We were astounded. At first we did not quite believe him. We thought it must just be the usual Eid entertainment; guys trying to talk to girls, mild flirting, just hanging out, the normal stuff. We grew curious and went to see the broken ticket windows of Cinema Metro that would make a good picture or two.

Our group was made up of Reuters photographer Abdul Nasser Al Nouri, Al Karama newspaper photographer Peter Alfred, blogger and activist Malek Moustafa, blogger and activist Mhammad Gamal, Mohammad Al Sharkawy and several other bloggers, activists and professional journalists and myself. We were around ten, all of us saw what happened and some of us managed to take pictures.

Arriving at the scene we immediately noticed the destroyed ticket windows of the cinema, but other than that everything seemed normal except for the expected crowds outside the cinema during the feast days.

But all of a sudden dozens of guys started running in a certain direction. We followed. They were after a girl, encircled her and started touching and groping her. The girl ran and stumbled. They tried to stop her, but finally she was able to take refuge inside a restaurant. They surrounded the restaurant. The workers in there came out and tried to drive them away. A policeman tried to use his club but in vain.

Their attention was not diverted from the girl inside until one of them shouted: "another one at Cinema Miami". Only then did they all head in the direction of the other woman. The tragedy was repeated, and kept repeating itself till midnight as I was told by other witnesses the next day.

No matter how a woman was dressed, veiled or unveiled, young or old, alone or accompanied by a father, husband, brother or friend, it all made no difference. To them, anything that smelled like a female and moved was a target.

This unfortunate event took place more than once during the same day, by various groups of men, attacking many girls in different streets in the same vicinity simultaneously.
Two girls dressed in the gulfi Abaya were surrounded, separated and harassed. One of them took refuge in the entrance of a building and the janitors protected her. A security guy even drew his gun to drive away the gangs.

Another girl took refuge inside a shop whose owners had to pull down the shutters to protect her. They were so furious at what was happening that they decided to take things into their own hands, using clubs, whips and even broom sticks to rescue the other girls attacked outside the shop.

Even girls inside cars were harassed. A group of men tried to pull a girl out of a taxi. Another girl was withdrawing money from an ATM machine when she found herself surrounded by dozens who started touching and groping her. She was only rescued by a cab driver who took her inside his car, but the men did not like that and surrounded the taxi. Eventually he was able to flee with the girl in his car. There were, however, several other accounts of girls that were pulled out of taxis, and noble taxi drivers who insisted on saving them ended up with their taxi windows destroyed. Several eyewitnesses said that some of these girls had their clothes torn off and there were numerous other accounts on the internet and in the printed press of even more horrific incidents of sexual harassment, not only in Cairo, but also in Alexandria and Mansoura.

Unlike in peaceful protests where the police forces outnumber the demonstrators, there was less than half a dozen policemen at the scene. They were only keen on protecting the cinemas and the movie stars who attended their premiers.
They saw everything and did nothing despite the fact that the police station was just a few blocks away, so they could’ve asked for whatever extra forces needed to contain the chaos. The officers had walkie talkies, they could have asked for backup, but still didn't. Their only source of nuisance seemed to be “us” and our taking pictures. We approached them and asked them to act promptly, but they gave the feeble excuse that because of the feast they were outnumbered. They even tried to entice us to stop taking pictures by offering to let us into any of the cinemas to watch the movies for free.

We were speechless and helpless. Of course we could not fight all these numbers of angry men in the midst of such sexual frenzy. I was carrying a backpack with a laptop inside, not prepared at all for a street fight, so we decided to warn women and girls coming down the street, explain to them and ask them to change their route. This seemed to be the only helping hand we could lend on that crazy crazy night.

What was really shocking was that the same scenario repeated itself the following day and the day after on Talaat Harb street as well as several other places down town.

That day I did not have a professional camera. I only had the camera installed in my mobile phone. It was dark, too crowded and naturally people did not react too well to the fact that I was taking pictures. One security guard cocked his gun in my face to make me stop. I didn’t blame him. He thought it was scandalous, and indeed it was.

Due to the technical shortage, the pictures did not come out good, hence the reaction of the ministry of interior and some official newspapers that claimed that my photos were fabricated. The Reuters photographer in our group did not think highly of his photos either and he deleted them. As for Peter from Al Karama, and although his pictures were unclear as well he still kept them for the next issue of his weekly newspaper.

I uploaded my pics onto the computer, and decided to keep them for later use. Malek, Jimmy and Sharkawy all published their accounts of the incident in their respective blogs. The responses they received were massive. There was a whole gamut of people’s reactions. While some were shocked, others doubted the whole episode. Malek called me and asked me to publish the pictures, and only then that things got messier.

It had never happened to me before that anybody doubted the credibility of my photos, which are often used by most independent and opposition newspapers, and even some official newspapers resort to using them. The poor quality of the mobile phone down town photos seemed to be a good opportunity for some people to attack my credibility.

Reports published in official newspapers showed that there was an intention to fabricate a case against me for spreading rumours. Some journalists voiced suspicions in my report of the incident and attacked me personally. My family started receiving weird phone calls of people trying to locate me. Security officials attacked me severely on television and tried to make people believe that I had a criminal history.

I was only saved by some TV programmes which hosted eyewitnesses who were there during the crisis and who confirmed what I said, but it is such a shame that the ministry of interior would go that far and that low in order to cover up for their negligence.

تقرير عن المدونات على مجلة دير شبيجل الألمانية
مع لقطات من الوعي المصري
مقابلة مع وائل عباس بالفرنسية على مجلة ألف


إستمع إلى المقابلة بالفرنسية
إستمع إلى المقابلة بالإنجليزية
موضوع حول الحجاب وفاروق حسني
كتبته لوكالة الأنباء الألمانية

Minister faces fire over Islamic veil controversy in Egypt
By Wael Abbas Nov 25, 2006, 8:55 GMT
Cairo - The Egyptian Minister of Culture has been left alone to face a storm of criticism over his views on the Islamic veil after most government officials have sided with his critics or refused to back him up.
Farouk Hosni the Egyptian Minister of Culture sparked the controversy when he described the growing popularity of the Islamic veil in Egypt as 'a regressive trend,' in an interview with an Egyptian newspaper.
In the Egyptian parliament Monday, 130 members demanded the resignation of the minister. The campaign against him united the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's main opposition movement which controls one fifth of the seats in parliament, and the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) to which he belongs.
Fifty NDP parliament members signed the petition demanding the minister's resignation.
The trial of Hosni for scorning religion was also demanded by 93 MPs, who said that their wives and daughters wore the Islamic veil.
The minister in an interview published last week with the Egyptian independent daily newspaper al-Masri al-Youm said: 'There was an age when our mothers went to university and worked without the veil. It is in that spirit that we grew up, so why this regression?'
Hosni also said: 'Each woman with her beautiful hair is like a flower and should not be concealed from the view of others,' adding that 'religion today focuses on appearances too much.'
Some religious scholars are debating whether Hosni can be considered a non-believer or not, something which might incite militant extremists.
For this reason Hosni reportedly asked the ministry of interior to increase security around him.
Observers say that Egypt is becoming an increasingly conservative society although it was considered to be one of the most liberal Arab countries in the 60s and 70s.
Owing to deteriorating economic conditions, a large number of Egyptians were forced to work in the oil-rich Arab countries of the Gulf. They absorbed their culture and brought it back to Egypt.
'They all distance themselves away when a subject like that is brought up', said Iqbal Baraka, author of the controversial book, The Veil.
Nobody 'wants to be pulled inside the storm,' added Baraka, who is also the editor in chief of Hawa (Eve) magazine, which has praised the courage of the minister.
Her book was published in 2002, but it was not until 2006 that it caused controversy when the Mufti attacked it and other religious scholars demanded it to be banned.
In her book, Baraka uses research methods to prove that the veil is not Islamic, nor does its use originate in the Koran.
Her book argues that it is merely a traditional costume introduced to cope with the lifestyle in the desert to protect both men and women from the sun and the sandstorms. She says it started 2,000 years before Islam in Assyria.
'Young people are unfortunately ignorant,' comments Barakat. 'Their knowledge about Islam is limited, and they received their information from Saudi financed religious satellite channels.'
Hosni did not attend the parliamentary session. However, he sent a paper to be read by the head of the parliament, in which he said: 'It was only my personal opinion, and not a press statement.
My words were taken out of context from a conversation that was off the record. The opinion about the veil is only for the religious scholars to decide. I did not mean what some tried to make it look like, I respect Egyptian veiled women.'
The controversy however has not abated and the minister will now have to answer questions before two parliamentary committees, the religious affairs committee and the cultural affairs committee.
Intellectuals in Egypt, including leftist and liberal opposition, have come out in favour of the minister.
They consider what has happened to be a form of intellectual terrorism and a campaign against freedom of speech.
This is the first time that an Egyptian minister has come under heavy criticism from his own side. It is unprecedented as even when a minister is accused of corruption or negligence the party protects him.
Farouk Hosni has been in office for 19 years. Last year, his resignation was refused after accusations of negligence when dozens were killed in a state-owned theatre in Upper Egypt.
Protests were held in Egyptian universities against the minister's remarks, and more protests are planned in the coming few days.
Egyptian state-owned television channels do not allow women wearing the Islamic veil to present programmes.
© 2006 dpa - Deutsche Presse-Agentur
وموضوع آخر حول الحكم بإعدام صدام

Iraqis ask - what happens next if Saddam is convicted?
By Wael Abbas Nov 3, 2006, 18:18 GMT
Baghdad - Dujail is a small Shiite town in Iraq. It is located some 65 kilometres north of Iraq's capital, Baghdad, and has around 10,000 inhabitants. But this small town is about to play a big part in the life of Iraq's former dictator Saddam Hussein.
On July 8, 1982 an unsuccessful assassination attempt targeted Saddam while he was visiting the town. His convoy was engaged in a three-hour firefight but the Iraqi dictator escaped unharmed.
Later, at Saddam's orders, a total of 143 males in the town were killed or executed, including a number of 13-year-old boys, in a reprisal for the failed assassination attempt.
Approximately 1,500 Shiites were incarcerated and tortured, while others, including women and children, were sent to desert camps. Saddam's regime destroyed the town and then rebuilt it. In addition, 1,000 square kilometers of farmland were destroyed and the regime did not allow any planting for 10 years.
Now, 24 years after the events, Hussein and seven other defendants are being tried for crimes against humanity. The trial, the first of a series against Saddam, began before the Iraqi Special Tribunal on October 19, 2005.
A verdict in the Dujail case is reportedly to be announced on Sunday fifth of November - raising many questions for Iraqis:
If Saddam was convicted, what will it mean for Iraq, how will it affect the political process, will sectarian violence escalate further, and what does it mean in the international context? And - does the timing have anything to do with the US congressional elections?
Members of the defence committee of Saddam and his aides consider the trial to be illegal.
The committee also contends that it is no accident that the verdict is to be announced on November 5 - just two days before the US congressional elections.
Hussein had told the court last July: 'I advise you as an Iraqi, if you were in a circumstance in which you have to issue a death penalty, you have to remember that Saddam is a military man and in this case the verdict should be death by shooting not by hanging.'
If back then supporters of Saddam in his home town Tikrit protested against the trial, the question now is whether the protests will be more widespread if Saddam is convicted. There is no way of predicting, analysts say, pointing out that there are no opinion polls about Saddam since he is no longer the main issue in Iraq.
Iraq is neck deep in sectarian violence between Sunnis and Shiites with no signs in sight that this will end soon.
Shiites mainly hate Saddam. And although whenever an insurgent attack happens the Iraqi government divides the blame equally between the so-called Saddamists and the extreme Sunni insurgents, in reality it is the extreme Sunni insurgents who are behind the majority of the attacks.
It cannot be said that this latter group are so particularly in love with Saddam that the violence would escalate further if the former leader is convicted.
But being on the safe side, the defence ministry has ordered all Iraqi troops now on leave to return to their barracks in a precautionary measure to be prepared for any possible escalation of insurgent attacks.
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